Board of


Matthew W. Goldman, Chair
Jason E. Goldman,
Vice Chair
David Sikes,
Aaron Waxman,

Elizabeth Allin

Joe Amadea

Josh Constine

Leif Dautch

Ian Del Balso

Charlton Gholson

Douglas E. Goldman

Jennifer R. Goldman

Erin Hastings

David Katznelson

Jordan Kurland

Eve Myers Loecher

Robin W. Michel

Maxine Raphael

Marc Ruxin

Annelise Schuepbach

Mark C. Schulze

Phil Tomey

Chris Young

Cascade Zak

Stern Grove

Festival Staff

Noah Pilchen
Director of Development

Alyssa Romo
Marketing and Development Coordinator

Saba Teklu
Development Operations Associate

Ric Victores
Director of Business Administration

Edward Yeakel
Admin Manager

Bob Fiedler
Executive Director

Molly Fremgen
Director of Marketing

Stacy Horne
Director of Programming

Mary Hunt
Donor Relations & Events Manager

Andrew Koontz
Production Manager

Joseph Lafond
Director of Operations

Spenser O’Bryan
Operations Manager

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